August 6-7


The Silver Ghost train left Vernal, UT for a quick day’s run to Park City. One of the alternate routes was a scenic and mountainous road that many of the Ghosts followed. The trip took us through a beautiful valley that followed the Duchesne River and then climbed from about 6,000’ to the peak of 10,000’ in the Uintah National Forest.


Marco and Sue Stoffel climbing steep mountain pass in Uintah National Forest in 1912 Rois des Belges (1905E).











The following day was our second longest driving day as we swept down the mountain from Park City through the Provo Canyon and then climbed to almost 10,000’ on our route to Ely, NV. We traveled for hours on Rt 50, “The Loneliest Road in America.” Rt 50 includes one stretch of approximately 90 miles through the Great Basin that has no services, no houses and little else but desert and a wonderful salt bed that appears like a lake from a distance.



Silver Ghost in Goshen, UT












The strength of the Ghost’s engine continues to prove itself as our group crossed the 3,000 mile mark near the Utah – Nevada border on August 8th. The day’s journey took us over three mountain passes that included long, climbing runs that were easily covered in the Ghosts. The temperature was high and we changed time zones as we entered Nevada, providing the added treat of driving through the noon-day sun two times in the same day. It was a hot drive and the large radiator on the Ghost provided the reserve capacity to cool the engine on the long climbs.

Gerhard Weissenbach and Anna Nun crossing the Great Basin near
Delta, UT in 1913 Hume Carriage tourer (2532).


Our cars were buffeted by strong cross winds most of the day. We were all glad to be in our stout Ghosts that were very stable in the winds, despite the passengers being blown around a bit by the gusts.


Silver Ghosts welcomed to Ely, NV by the historic Nevada Hotel.

Ely’s Ghost Train meets the Silver Ghost train.

Continue to August 8-9, 2004

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